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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:07 pm
by Alexandr Korol
came to me as messengers when I was in the United States. There were three messengers. Okay, I had realised then that this is some kind of system, a mind, artificial intelligence or simulation that I’m living in, and this is what it’s doing specifically. But when I asked him about it, he never said that aliens were doing it, he never said that it was specifically someone outside, and he never said that it was specifically me, or only me, or on the contrary, only the system. He always said it was all together. That’s how he said it. He said it’s both this and that, and he would always answer that way. And it’s true.
Then I understood what he meant, but I couldn’t explain it and I couldn’t give you an example. Now it seems as if it is already possible, and it feels as if you are ready to understand it. But the point is that the system transforms itself to suit us. What you have in your brain is how the system reacts to you and how you adapt to it. The point is that it turns out that if you think about something or want something in a certain psychological state, the system will give it to you. And such a feeling is created that you are directly controlling this system. On one hand, yes, and on the other hand, as if it is doing it, but it is doing it because you are in a certain psychological state. So it’s an interesting relationship. It’s interesting. And it turns out that when you pray, the system gives you some- thing; maybe you change something in your mind and in the space that you live in, where you have the boundaries of your reality, in your field of vision and your connection of attention to someone or something. And this is all of that; it starts to somehow mould itself into your life when you want something. It’s the same thing that happens to me, which is what Mystic-Old-Man and I were talking about. That there is a film, for example. I might want to put on a film and there is information about it. I make a request to the system and it gives me information as if it were a film. But the funny thing is different. Am I not the one who finds these films and makes this request myself, you see? It’s very strange. And it’s curious that this is something we’re only just approaching. I can already see these hints here, but we’re only approaching it, that we’re approaching an even more unusual representation of how man is connected to the system, how the system is connected to him. That is, we can think, as in the primitive thinking of humans, that you are separate and the system is separate. But we have to understand that you are already the whole system. The only question is that you can occupy one point, the intersection of the lines in this matrix, and you can