Page 451

Alexandr Korol
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Page 451

Post by Alexandr Korol »

you lose that awareness, you go back into a kind of multiverse. It’s a life on autopilot without consciousness. And you have to learn to always be conscious and always be in the “corridor”. And then it is a victory.

Question: There is still a question about memory management and the ability to influence at different times. First, you realise that the state “in the mind” is your future self; you enter your young self. You also try to call this state “in the Spirit” from the present, that is, to move into the future self. Recently you managed to go into your young self and call it the “switching of the universe”, and this young Alexandr – did he remember this presence? Did he feel it? My reasoning is as follows: while in the past it was not stored in the memory, it can only be a feeling, and in order to remember the inclusion it is necessary to grow up and become a level like a Spirit. While this is only the first step for you, the illusions are preparing you so that the whole consciousness is mastered and the brain does not explode in the future. Frequencies, and then travelling through universes as if in training, all lead step by step to one thing – evolution to the level of Spirit. In it memory will be under control, perhaps with some device or crystal or power of attention pumped to show the necessary information from the past.

Look, you’re thinking clearly. You are a being, an alien. You see, a person who has written this question, although the question is not simply put, but the per- son is an entity. This person is an entity. Here he is. You can see immediately that this question is not coming from the ego, but it is Nature writing through him. There is no more of this human egoism in him. Thank you.
And what you have written, you have written everything correctly. This is some- thing I haven’t even written about. I thought I would write about it later, when I came into contact with it, maybe sometime, or I would see a film about it and I would use the film as an example in my book. And it’s not as if there’s little corroboration or explanation or examples. But the point is, yes, because what happened when I saw the future? So my consciousness was already going where? Into the future. But it happened in such a way that it was as if I came from the future – it really is there, that’s the paradox – it really is there, and I some- how managed to make it so that the one from the future could enter me here at this time and I wrote a book. Do you realise what this is about? I’ll explain it again to make it clear to everyone. Think of the multiverse as frequencies.