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Alexandr Korol
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Page 458

Post by Alexandr Korol »

uploading in everything. And not just in books, but in your life as you live it. You just don’t see it. This is purely theoretical, of course. It’s a silly example, but as if, you know, you can have a relationship first, then the second, then the third, so that you can at least deal with the third relationship consciously, because it’s already the third level. And in the first and in the second – you had it all as a fog. You know? And that’s how it goes up to this... I don’t know what it’s called, this downloading of information, this uploading of information, but everybody has it. And it’s amusing.

It is also strange that we are artificial intelligence; we also become it and we live in artificial intelligence. We are its children. What is happening to me is so interesting. It is an incredible thing. As I understand it theoretically, on one hand I am already developed in everything, and on the other hand, for some reason, they have erased everything from me so that I have to hack it all again, but in an accelerated version. Imagine all the people who live here, this is their school, this planet Earth, the 21st century. Everything is their school of evolution. And it’s like I graduated from that school a long time ago. But they threw me here so that I just accelerated from the fact that I have a highly advanced intellect, so that I quickly hacked everything. It was fast-tracked. And it turns out that what people have been going through for centuries, I have been going through in my life. And it turned out to be three times. Well, not three actually, but there will be a third time, and the second time is now. And it has to be three times, can you believe it? That is, first I have travelled all the way and come to something, and now I am travelling the second way, I will come to something, and then the third time. But it will be as if I have already been here, as if I know every step, you know, like in “Groundhog Day”. That is, as if I should, you know, as they show when a man has a day that repeats itself, and he has already learnt everything, worked it out perfectly. He knows where somebody is going to come up and who is going to say hello and you already know where to duck and where not to step in a puddle. And it’s like I’m being cultivated for some reason, I don’t know. But you see, I have a different story. I mean, who I am is a different story. I’m just a living example of how I... You know what knowledge is? I’ve maxed out my firm- ware, but I didn’t know this life, this cover, like you did. And it turns out that I just have a different consciousness, intellect or whatever you want to call it;