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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:28 pm
by Alexandr Korol
All multiverses are different. But that doesn’t mean that if I go to a multiverse where I don’t have allergies I’m going to get knee pain. No, it doesn’t. Maybe it won’t be health-related at all. Maybe I will go to a multiverse where my health is fine, but something else, some other worries and habits will arise in a new multiverse. For example, you don’t have any allergies, but let’s say everybody is walking around and tripping you up, but you don’t have any allergies. And you think, “Why do they do that?” There’s no reason. It’s just the way they do it. It’s funny.
It’s different all over the different multiverses. Why else would he say it like that? He just said it like that. And I can tell you that from experience. Does it happen? Yes, it does from experience. I have experience of it. And how does it manifest itself in experience in practice? Suppose I choose a multiverse where my neck and my back do not hurt. I will get there, and I have got there; I will describe it to you in practice. Here I have come to the place where my neck and back do not hurt. But I’m different there. Do you know what happened and why the neck and back pain went away? It is scientifically proven. I’ll give you a non-fictional, real-life example. The neck and back pain went away because the information stopped flowing through those channels of neural connections where the impulses of perception and information processing were going. And do you know why? Because I stopped processing it. And do you know why? Be- cause the focus of perception of the world and everything changed, my focus became something else. Well, figuratively speaking, I used to think about how I could help people and I used to see all the layers of society and that’s why my neck was hurting and my shoulders and my back because I was processing a very large amount of information. Here I just stopped thinking about people and started thinking about cats and dogs, metaphorically speaking. I made it up, but I just want to show you how it is. And it turns out that because I’m no longer thinking about work and social groups and things like that, the impulses don’t come any more. So all the tension has gone down and the impulses have gone into other channels that were never activated before because I never thought about dogs and cats before. Also the charge is different there. And that’s it, and my body doesn’t hurt anymore. But now I’ve become what? An idiot. Do you get it now? And here’s the rub. You are in the multiverse where your neck hurts and your back hurts, but you are a genius, for example, just with your mind, an intel-