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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:37 pm
by Alexandr Korol
That’s what you asked me. Now. You probably didn’t know this. But this is how it works. It’s an attention paradox that works in such a fantastic way that we can’t even imagine it.
Alexandr: Are you talking about 24 time zones?
Mystic-Old-Man: Yes. That’s what I’m talking about. There is no collapse of attention on the planet. The paradox of attention is that part of the attention is in the sleep of part of the population and part of the attention is in the asset. Do you have any idea what you just asked me? You have no idea.
Alexandr: But I’m just getting there, but I don’t know how else to put it.
Mystic-Old-Man: Look, here on this planet there must be a certain... Look what is happening. There must be a certain number of people on the planet who are sleeping, who are perceiving something in their sleep. And a certain number of people are awake and aware of what’s going on outside. You see? How do you like that? It’s not weak.
Alexandr: Okay, I have another question. Are there 24 time zones?
Mystic-Old-Man: Well, it turns out that there are.
Alexandr: And if the country is big like Russia, there are many different time zones, then it turns out that you can divide it neatly into these frequencies?
Mystic-Old-Man: Yeah, that’s right.
Alexandr: Yeah, okay, but when a person moves between these time zones, when he travels, is it useful for him to switch off, to switch his attention? It’s a switching off, a switching of attention, isn’t it?
Mystic-Old-Man: You know, when my Maxim came from Khabarovsk to St Petersburg, he left Khabarovsk at 6 in the morning and arrived at 6 in the morning. He was tormented afterwards, he couldn’t understand where those hours had gone. And it was very painful for him. But when he flew in the opposite direction, he had no such agony.
Alexandr: Well, I understand that, I have travelled like that. And it was like that, either I flew to another part of the world in the same day, as if in one hour, or on the contrary, I flew for two days. The question is different, I want to understand if it affects people, who is in which time zone, or if it does not matter? I mean, imagine that maybe some... There are countries where the day starts. Right at the beginning. And there are countries where the day just ends. That is also the layout, what is at the beginning, what is before, what is the future and what is the past.