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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:44 pm
by Alexandr Korol
Imagine there is a wicked woman who deceives you so expertly with her “magic potion” that you want to sit on the sofa, watch a film and do nothing. And here is the tyrant Alex who says: “You have to get up at six in the morning, no more sweets, no more messages, no more photos. Delete everything. Just work, just hard work. Nothing else. And no relaxation. When you get up in the morning, don’t sit down until the Sun goes down. Or you’ll get fat”. Who am I to every- body? A bad person. But the paradox, you know what the paradox is? Do you know what all these things I listed are going to give you? Ten more years of life. Good health. Beauty. Stable, strong mind. Good mood. Concentration. Memory. And also the ability to attract good and intelligent people.
Imagine what a man gets from hard work. But how does a bad woman present it? That it is not hard work, but bullying, that you are a nobody, that you are being bullied, that for some reason you are not allowed to do everything. And you’re so good. Why should you be punished? And it seems to you through the illusion of an evil woman that it is all punishment and tyranny. But in fact – this is happiness. And that is the meaning of life. And the evil woman presents everything the other way round. She tells you to sit on the sofa and do nothing. And so you become suicidal, you become fat, then you may have a stroke or a blood clot. And then you become prone to all the other sins. But a wicked woman presents it to you in such a way that you need to rest; you are tired and you are such a sweetheart. Do you understand how the system works? And many of you love yourselves very much.
And it turns out that there are those who have this moodiness, get sad once a month and think that they are a loser and they have nothing in life and nothing works. If this sounds familiar to you – you must understand that it is a demon whispering to you that you are stumbling. You are struggling with these temptations. You wake up feeling worthless, wanting to be great and thinking you are wasting your time. And you need family-work-job-money-happiness-travel. The only way to fight this darkness inside you, which is just selfishness and sin, is to work hard. Clean the toilet bowl with a toothbrush for yourself, relatives and friends. Become a cleaner like a part-time job. It will hit your ego, which will at least reduce it to zero, so that this tumour doesn’t grow. But if you relax and get into comfortable conditions, things will get better and this sin and ego will swell and it will not be very good.