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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

distance of the future, the past, the present, that it’s all forgotten and that it’s all deliberately, interestingly, very loopy. And that, purely theoretically, we can assume that all the past we find is the future. There’s just this circle. That is, it turns out that now there might be some technologies, then maybe everything will fall somehow, then people will reach a super level, then all this will go back to some medieval age, then religions will be created again, then through grand- mothers we will get information that there are some life hacks how to bewitch somebody. And all this will come back to this time, as it is now, and all this will be repeated again. And it’s repeated endlessly. It’s like a time loop. It could be like that. The second version is that we are ‘biting our own tail’. So that was what I felt when I was doing the first and second volumes of “Alternative History”. Why do I care about all this history? I also know the future, and how it’s all so connected, and it’s like I’m both here and there. And that there’s such a trinity, that it’s like I’m here and there and there at the same time. What is that?
And purely theoretically, we can assume that if it is like that, then it means that there is something, that is, some things or some people, that cannot be in three tenses at the same time, and there are as if people or some objects, things, that can be in all three tenses at the same time. Do you understand what we’re talking about? Let’s say there’s a cave that is now and in the future, and something is even happening there. Can you imagine that? But it is also there in the past; something happened there after the future. But it is also there in the present, this cave. Do you understand? It is as if, in all three cases, it has not been destroyed and is still functioning. Maybe it’s a portal from time to time. Maybe it’s a way to communicate with the past and the future, but I don’t know. When I am in the Spirit I will have to ask myself that question again. But for now I have an assumption in my mind that there are just things, not just a mountain, but even some objects and artefacts that are kept in a museum in the future, that exist in the present. They exist at all times. And I suggested then that maybe the entities, that’s why they are entities. That maybe we’re approaching the culmination of why, let’s say, entities are there now. It’s like they’ll be there in the future. And they’re there now. You know? That’s why it’s an entity. Or maybe it’s this level of consciousness that turns into everything. That’s why the essence is the essence. I don’t know. It’s interesting, of course.