Chapter 6. Don’t Open the Door
I saw in a film once when a man was wounded, he had a bullet wound and they wanted to avenge him and he said, “Don’t. Don’t let the darkness in. And tell the man who shot me that I forgive him”. This dialogue caught my attention. And why is that? Because it coincides with all my hypotheses and theories about how the world works and how people work. So how does it work? It turns out that people fall into two groups. Some people are connected to the Wi-Fi of darkness and others are connected to the Wi-Fi of light. It turns out that all the users of the dark Wi-Fi are the dark, evil spirits of society. These people try to lure everyone to their side in different ways every day. They tempt and seduce, they bribe, they confuse and deceive, and they do everything they can to make a light person choose darkness, that is, to cross that line, to cross that boundary. So a dark power, or more precisely the dark power that lives in people who are connected to the dark power, can bring misfortune to light people, create problems, provoke and do a lot of bad things. They do this so that a light person will want to take revenge, for example. And it turns out that when a light person wants revenge or even holds a grudge, then the dark force has won. Because he immediately goes to the dark side. This person who was light is letting the dark- ness in. That’s how it works. And it turns out that a person can be light today. He has not done anything bad, but certain actions and deeds can open the door to the darkness and let the darkness in.
And if you let that darkness in, then of course you can get rid of it. You can’t give up hope. Everything is possible. Now I want to emphasise how to fight it more, especially those who have already let it in. Those who have not let it in are good for them. How does it work? If you are a light person from your childhood, from your youth, and you are in the company of the scumbags of the neighbourhood, with a group of schoolchildren or classmates, to whom they can offer to steal something or to break something. And you feel, let’s say, that everything inside you is shrinking and you don’t want to do it. And your friends start telling you, “You’re weak. You’re a coward. You’re not with us? Don’t you respect us? Don’t you love us?” And it turns out that if you have listened to them, if they have persuaded you, and you have committed a small crime, then you have let a dark- ness into your life that will be very difficult to get rid of for the rest of your life.