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Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:33 pm
reaction to it and it is not allowed. So you start to listen with your mind. This is all about the mind and the heart; if the heart is closed, then the demons are very good at dabbling. And that’s how they behave, like I gave you the example with the company, “Hey man, don’t you respect us?” What’s your mind thinking? “What? Do I make people feel bad? Do I think they’re bad?” They’re saying to you, “Do you think we’re bad?” That’s what they’re saying to you. And what do you say back? Of course, from that manipulation, if you are a good person, you will say, “No, you are good. I respect you”. They tell you: “Prove it!” and they tell you: “If you want to prove it, do this sinful thing.” And you tell them, “But I can’t. I don’t think it’s good.” They say to you: “But we can, and you can’t? Are you not with us? Or what? Or are you a coward?” And so they try in all sorts of ways to make you like that... Yes, it’s very strange. That’s why it’s very important, whatever happens, to meditate, to go to church, to pray. Because of all these things – cleansing the heart, removing the cloudiness – in some moments when somebody tries to tempt him, he will not fall for it. And it also helps with the stability of the psyche. If a person is spiritually peaceful, thanks to all the rituals and techniques, then in some conflicts in society you are less sharp. You will not react emotionally without thinking. But if you are already, you know, tired, on edge, your mind is going off the scale, and you have a lot of things to do, you have forgotten to meditate, you have not read my books for a long time, then it is very easy to pick you up in this rhythm. When you are so nervous, your nervous system is like a bare wire, and then anything that happens, even a small thing or something bad, can knock you down and irritate you. If you feel this way, it is because you spend a lot of time, a long time, on the vibrations of nervousness and tension, that is, of the mind, that is, of society, that is, of the mate- rial rhythm. You need to rest immediately, you need acupuncture and massage. Fumigate the room with incense and listen to some mantras to cool down.
Question: Throughout a person’s life, he is constantly under the influence of various illusions that develop him as a person. By illusion I mean an obsession that one strives to realise. For example, some time ago I wanted to develop my career, work less, earn more and get other benefits. I read the first volume of “Alternative History” and it seems that I am already working well. It is clear why my job is good for me, and in general everything important is being fulfilled. If spiritual development is outwardly mani-
Question: Throughout a person’s life, he is constantly under the influence of various illusions that develop him as a person. By illusion I mean an obsession that one strives to realise. For example, some time ago I wanted to develop my career, work less, earn more and get other benefits. I read the first volume of “Alternative History” and it seems that I am already working well. It is clear why my job is good for me, and in general everything important is being fulfilled. If spiritual development is outwardly mani-