when you are in the Spirit, all these rules of all these human worlds, all these frequencies, all these multiverses do not work on you. I mean, they don’t work. It’s very strange. They only start to work in the human world. So it is that if I drink alcohol in any of the material frequencies, I will get drunk from the first glass or from the second glass, well, like all human beings. And maybe I will even start to feel some consequences. Let’s say I burn my mouth with strong alcohol like whisky. But if I am in the Spirit I can drink a bottle of whisky and it is as if I had not drunk it, not even physically. It’s like there’s no alcohol in me at all. Psychologically and physically. But that’s only when you’re in that zero. When you’re in this “corridor” it’s very strange. But I will write more about what mind is.
- Watch the films: “The Devil’s Advocate”, “Alexander”, “Alice in Wonderland.”
The other day I called Big Alexander and told him that something strange was happening. One day I’m in “cosmos” and the next day it’s like I’m grounded. Like everyone else. One day I’m in the “cosmos”, the next day I’m grounded. And then again I’m like, maybe I should just go for it. You know, go all the way into the “cosmos”. So that nothing can distract me. Or just wait. And as usual, he always tells me not to interfere artificially and that everything should be organ- ic. And he says
– Alex, if you feel you want to get out of the house and meet people, then do it. If you don’t want to write a book, if you want to do other things, then do them.
Obviously what he said has nothing to do with you. If such advice is given to a man, every man will drown in sins. Just give him that opportunity. And in my case, as I understand it, I can myself trust completely... It’s like the opposite, I don’t even have to rely on my own kind of mind and rules. And that I can completely trust all the feelings that are manifesting in me and, on the contrary, accept them and stay out of them, that is, don’t confront them. He explains it this way:
– Because you’re not in the “cosmos” yet, it means it’s not time yet, or you don’t have to do it yet, or you have something else to do. Or, then, gradually, perhaps, one day at a time.