Page 563

Alexandr Korol
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Page 563

Post by Alexandr Korol »

The next thing I need to do is make a three-level matrix. That means I have to make it fractal. It’s like if we have a cube and there’s a rhombus inside, then we have to make a cube-rhombus-cube-rhombus. Only the cube-rhombus has to be made inside and the cube-rhombus has to be made outside so that there are levels. That’s how we have to extend it. And if we extend it in this way, and we make our cube-rhomb not only inside but also outside, then we get the symbol of the “Burning Bush”. That’s if we extend it further.

If you continue with this process, then all the geometric figures appear in this matrix that I wrote to you about. If you go on, there are all the icosahedrons and dodecahedrons, everything. I had no problem here, but I had a question that I wanted to discuss with the designer, so that she could just draw something for me in the programme and I would understand it right away. But she was so busy that I went straight into the daily business and left her. That is why I am now describing it in general terms. Let’s say I am not writing this to you now from the world of the matrix. That is not the frequency at which I am resolving it. I am describing to you now from old memory how Alex, the other one, solved it. So I am not going to give you any discoveries now. But what is the last thing that should be in the centre of the matrix – a cube with nothing in it? Or should there be a rhombus with nothing in it? It is necessary to understand what is inside the matrix at the end: a cube or a rhombus. The same from the outside. If we make a rhombus on the outside of our cube, do we make a cube around it or not? This is the point: how to make these levels correctly. That is the only problem. That’s it, the matrix is basically solved. But I’m in no hurry.
But the curious thing is that when I started to solve it in this way, when I was already making it, drawing it on three planes and starting to look at it in planes, but I had to do it, you see, without 3D modelling, without software. I did it all on a piece of paper, and of course that strains my brain a lot. It’s a nice good tension, like from the gym, just because my efficiency is off the charts. I’m still spinning this matrix in my head when I go to bed. I also saw such an unusual connection. You know what? When I was in Cambodia now, as much as I was an ordinary tourist there, I was very much affected by this situation with who Vishnu is.