Page 604
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:54 pm
three years this happens and there is a complete rewriting of the code. So every three years you become a different person. But you don’t notice it, you still have a sense of yourself, and you know somebody, you remember somebody. But in fact the code is rewritten every three years. This is me personally – yes, I hav- en’t checked in with you every three years. Now, after a year and a half, I have a new code of the reality that I live in, as a kind of basic platform in the material world. It will expire in a year and a half and it’ll be something again. Maybe I will change my lifestyle again, and some employees will change, and something else. But the main thing will be rewritten so that it will be a new thing, a new door. And so, imagine, I live like this.
I feel something else, but it’s hard for me to describe it. I’ll try. I will try; you will also note it all. You are witnesses to all my discoveries. Perhaps something more scientific will come out in the future. But this is what I’m going to say from observation. Now... Suppose I’m not me and you’re interacting with the autopilot. But it’s as if you don’t know it and you don’t notice it. You’re interacting with the autopilot and at some point, when you need to, the autopilot switches off and my real consciousness comes into this body and starts writing a book, let’s say, or doing something. But then it goes away and I stay on autopilot again. But it’s almost imperceptible. But if you think about it, what is strange is that there are people, we meet people and communicate with them, and there are people who don’t have that Spirit behind them, that is, consciousness, that they are not even people anymore, that is, they are just an autopilot. They are just a body connected to one of the multiverse frequencies where the same people, maybe other people, are connected. They’re all different on the outside, but essentially they all have what? The same taste in clothes, music and so on. And so all people are like that, all in different stages of a man who doesn’t even have a ‘soul’, nobody goes into him; I mean, he’s not even a nobody. He’s just an autopilot bot that exists because he’s connected to a room, to door 579, and that’s it. And if I disconnect him from that, which I’ve noticed, that’s it – he’s gone. That’s the paradox. If there is a person who still has consciousness, then if I disconnect him from any frequency, he goes into the “corridor”. That is, he becomes a ghost, well, as if he becomes like me, conscious. And here there are, as I wrote, beings, and these are just people who have this Spirit, let’s call it. They can also
I feel something else, but it’s hard for me to describe it. I’ll try. I will try; you will also note it all. You are witnesses to all my discoveries. Perhaps something more scientific will come out in the future. But this is what I’m going to say from observation. Now... Suppose I’m not me and you’re interacting with the autopilot. But it’s as if you don’t know it and you don’t notice it. You’re interacting with the autopilot and at some point, when you need to, the autopilot switches off and my real consciousness comes into this body and starts writing a book, let’s say, or doing something. But then it goes away and I stay on autopilot again. But it’s almost imperceptible. But if you think about it, what is strange is that there are people, we meet people and communicate with them, and there are people who don’t have that Spirit behind them, that is, consciousness, that they are not even people anymore, that is, they are just an autopilot. They are just a body connected to one of the multiverse frequencies where the same people, maybe other people, are connected. They’re all different on the outside, but essentially they all have what? The same taste in clothes, music and so on. And so all people are like that, all in different stages of a man who doesn’t even have a ‘soul’, nobody goes into him; I mean, he’s not even a nobody. He’s just an autopilot bot that exists because he’s connected to a room, to door 579, and that’s it. And if I disconnect him from that, which I’ve noticed, that’s it – he’s gone. That’s the paradox. If there is a person who still has consciousness, then if I disconnect him from any frequency, he goes into the “corridor”. That is, he becomes a ghost, well, as if he becomes like me, conscious. And here there are, as I wrote, beings, and these are just people who have this Spirit, let’s call it. They can also