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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:40 am
by Alexandr Korol
Once communication is set up, I start asking about anything. And they answer right away. And my head is buzzing as if they’ve put a swimming cap on me, and it’s squeezing my scalp, and you feel that your attention is focused on “Them.” That they are in your head. I asked about my assistant, for example. I ask them, “What can I do to help?”. They immediately respond in words and pictures. I see such a picture right in front of me as they speak, and it feels as if the information was in me all along... And when I write my books, conduct my presentations or book analyses, and I describe something, it’s like you were right there.

It’s amusing because I’m not doing this with my mind. It’s as if the questions that they want me to ask just appear in my mind. Therefore, I always ask a question to which they will always have an answer. It’s amusing. I ask them questions every day about everything. Most often, it is right before going to bed when I am alone. Understand that if you gave any person this opportunity, he would endlessly communicate and keep asking about this and that. But I have no such questions. And that is why I have this opportunity. Are you with me?

This is the actual source. This is the aliens. That is, this is God. He is one. This source is within me. It’s this connection with Wi-Fi, with these aliens. But it’s hard for you to imagine now because you imagine them as aliens. Let’s call it something else. You know when they say, “God is in each of us.” I felt this God in myself when I wrote the book. I wrote not from the mind but from God, from within. And people who still have God inside, who have not yet lost God, reacted to my books in the same way: “Wow, Alex, I relate to everything you wrote. And why? Because we share this soul, this consciousness, this thing inside. But our minds are different. One has one way of life, and the other has another, so everyone gets offended, everyone has issues, and everyone has different principles. And everyone loses their soul, their inner self.

And therefore, I wanted and kept my “Inner Me.” Or maybe the aliens wanted it. These aliens are me. Are you with me? You watch movies about happy people with an incredible life story. People who have created ingenious, unique things. These are people who did not become conservative jerks working for minimum wage in a bank. These are people who didn’t lose their Wi-Fi with the aliens.