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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:41 am
by Alexandr Korol
and that’s it; you float off somewhere. You just go, “Well, I got a boat for an hour; well, I’ll go for an hour and drop you off in an hour somewhere.” That’s it. You got dropped off, became hungry, saw a cafe, and went in. Now you have discovered a new place for yourself. Are you with me? When I arrive in a city or country, I will not go to the places where I have been already; I will not meet the people whom I already know. What for? I will feel everything for the first time. I will follow things that steal my attention. That’s when I’m open to circumstances, and then unique things happen, and adventures happen. I love it; that is life. The real nature. Do you think the flower itself has planned when it will open its bud? No. Does he clearly know how many bees will sit on him in a day? No. Does he know that he will be plucked tomorrow? No.

Another funny thing is that society seeks to advance the mind. It certainly needs to be advanced; it is necessary. But its uniqueness is not in the mind and intellect but rather in nature. To be in sync with it and feel it so that it feels you. It’s more futuristic, I would say computer-generated. That is, this is not a step backward, but on the contrary, it’s a step into a unique future. When you hear insects and animals, and they hear you, you feel nature, weather, and plants, and you feel how they all have a cycle, and you have your own. And you are in this rhythm, a unified one, and you understand that you are safe. You are lost in a big city. And I go out onto the lawn, and the sun is shining, a butterfly is sitting on my nose, and I’m lying like a Golden Retriever, and I feel good, you know?

I will explain in more detail about telepathy. In general, all miracles come from this state. You need to be free. There is such a state of freedom; you have no thoughts and no mind, and you seem to know everything. You are such a zero; you are like water, and in this state, you seem to be able to do everything. You have no doubts. Are you with me? You can just enter a person’s head, “Hello, Jonn,” and that’s it. There is no way that they didn’t hear you.

That attention is one hundred percent pure, free attention multiplied and expanded a thousand times. But John will not hear anything if he is an ordinary man. Like trying to transfer a file via Bluetooth to an old-fashioned phone that doesn’t have Bluetooth, you know? It will not work.