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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:42 am
by Alexandr Korol
That is, it is necessary that the other person has the same “firmware.” And if a person is also pure, also zero, he has no doubts or mind, then he can also simply say, “Hello, Alex,” in response. So, this is how this connection can work. And you just hear it in your head. The same as when you talk on the phone. But instead, the voice is inside your head. This is telepathy.

And thanks to this pure attention, many things that I have explained before are possible. You can change the taste of food with attention, influence the body, make a person feel something in the body, turn on the chakras, and share the feeling. And I’ve had great success sharing these practices with others. But telepathy itself is generally too advanced for humans. I understand your excitement and interest; I myself would love to connect telepathically with another human; that would be great.

And it’s funny, you know, I turned on “National Treasure,” the second part with Nicolas Cage, just in the background, and went to bed. And when I woke up at four in the morning, I was sleeping on the second floor, and I heard some man talking to the boy on the first floor in the movie, saying, “The ring gives you strength. Without the ring, you are weak, but if you wear this ring, it affects the neural system.” Then I fell asleep again, and a little later, I opened my eyes, and again I heard the same movie, “What about love?” I don’t remember verbatim, but my interpretation is that a person says in the movie, “What about love? You can’t have a relationship. Because your attention should be free for miracles. For creation, to be a magician!”. I was stunned. Given that I have not watched such movies, I am now starting to include them on my list. This movie “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” in particular. If I am not mistaken, the movie was with Nicolas Cage, and I advise you to watch it.

You will be stunned after you watch these movies because you will see how much of the truth is there. Imagine a children’s movie about all the things I’m experiencing and will be writing about for the next ten years.

One of my acquaintances asked me how the aliens contact me when necessary. Well, I told you before how I connect with them, but if I didn’t connect