This is a continuation, a continuation of this labyrinth, a continuation of this path. The fourth volume is a continuation of a journey through various multiverses, which I described in detail in my previous, third volume. However, in the fourth volume, I have come to the conclusion that there are three fundamental worlds in which all people live. Once these three worlds are understood, the fourth world will be revealed.
I began to notice that in all ancient writings, mythological stories, and sacred scriptures, there is mention of the world of the sky, the world of the earth, and the underworld. And that there are also three Gods: there is the God of the earth, the God of the sky, and the God of the underworld. In order to understand the main, fourth God, I need to go through these three worlds, which means I must understand these three main Gods.
The fourth volume is a novel about these three worlds, which will allow you to immerse yourself and understand them... in order to find a way out of this labyrinth.