Page 9

Alexandr Korol
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Page 9

Post by Alexandr Korol »

are still Him. The bad, the good, and everything related to God – it’s still Him. He is like a computer consciousness. He is light. And I first heard Him as a child at home, when I heard a voice and saw a white light. He told me that one day I wouldn’t just be a person, that I came here to work. It was Him. And back then, He showed me that it’s as if all people – somewhere – are talking about me, as if all their attention is on me. And now, I’ve seen that again. The truth is, in the future, or rather where everything is heading, it feels like all people will become me. All their attention will be on me, or my attention will be on them, something like that. That’s what it is. I also realized that in the world where people currently live, miracles cannot happen. It’s a world of suffering and pain, a dense realm. I did not come here to perform miracles for people. No. God cannot come here to perform miracles because if He did, He would be bound by their physical laws, which work differently here. I’m now leaving this realm for another, a subtle one. The transition has begun, where all kinds of miracles are possible. But it feels like no one is there yet except for me. However, those who follow me will switch over too. This is how the transition will happen to that other dimension, where everything is different. And everyone who transitions will be in my mind, and I will be in theirs. That’s how it will be. And you know how the switch will happen? All I need to do is remember someone, think about them, or just look at them, and they immediately fall into this frequency of mine, where I am the master. And this is already starting to manifest. The paradox is that, imagine, I remember myself like this in 2008, 2009, and 2010, when we met – I was like this then. But later it disappeared. I had already been like this. I remember walking around with absolutely no fear – I was in this dimension – absolutely no fear, crazy faith. And I looked at all people as if I were an alien. I looked at them as if they were in one reality, and I was in a parallel one. The secret to this state, and the meaning of being in it, is simply what I’m doing now. It’s as if I shouldn’t be on the phone, reading, or doing anything mundane, but just... well, as if I could go outside now, sit on a bench, and spend the entire day sitting and watching people. And that makes me who I’m supposed to be, can you imagine? Just from sitting on a bench. Or I could go into a store and stand there for an hour, watching how people walk around and what’s going on. Just observing, as if I’m a spectator. And what’s most interesting is that I’ve already been in this state before. I was on this frequency back then. And at that time, I could see through everyone, knew everything about everyone, as if I was in everyone’s head, and that’s why I had no fear. I was in such a state that I could