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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:41 am
described.” I provide the keys, the way out. There’s this labyrinth we all live in – this era. The next era begins when a person has left the labyrinth. Then the rules change entirely.
Question: Do I understand correctly that to stop receiving negative feedback from the system, you can make a firm decision and see how the system reacts? If the system reacts negatively with circumstances, then it’s worth changing the decision?
Well, if only it were that simple – that you could just observe how the system reacts and then change your decision. The thing is, if you make a wrong decision and the system reacts negatively, there may not be much left of you to change afterward – no legs, no arms, if you know what I mean. So, this method won’t work. Imagine it’s like saying, “Alexandr, I’m not sure whether to move to this country or that one. Should I just try one out, and if I don’t like it, I’ll move to the other?” It sounds logical, but only if you have enough money to afford such experiments. You see, not everyone can afford to try one thing, then move on to the next, and then a third. That’s how you weigh things in comparison – who makes you feel heartful, who brings out your sins, who makes you feel angry or kind. You start to understand how people influence you, and you influence them too. You begin to realize that certain people awaken certain sides of you. You have many personalities within you. Choosing a sinful personality brings out your sinful side more. Choosing a lazy person, or spending time with someone who makes you feel lazy, will manifest your lazy personality, a version of you, a multiverse version. Of course, it’s better to choose the person who awakens the version of yourself that you want to cultivate – the best version of yourself. Makes sense, right? It’s fascinating. Now, returning to the question about “negotiating with the system.” Yes, it’s better not to wait for the system to hit you on the head. Seriously. Don’t wait for that. Of course, yes, if you make a decision... or even if you don’t yet make a decision but notice something repeating in cycles. You realize there’s always some limitation on you. You want to understand how to remove that limitation, and you recognize that the system is the one placing that limit. But why? That’s when you sit down and think, philosophize over tea, like I’ve done my whole life. You start reflecting and may realize that maybe you haven’t been accepted into any university, anywhere in the world, because perhaps you’re meant to stay with your family in your hometown. And all this time, you’ve been trying to run away. But because you
Question: Do I understand correctly that to stop receiving negative feedback from the system, you can make a firm decision and see how the system reacts? If the system reacts negatively with circumstances, then it’s worth changing the decision?
Well, if only it were that simple – that you could just observe how the system reacts and then change your decision. The thing is, if you make a wrong decision and the system reacts negatively, there may not be much left of you to change afterward – no legs, no arms, if you know what I mean. So, this method won’t work. Imagine it’s like saying, “Alexandr, I’m not sure whether to move to this country or that one. Should I just try one out, and if I don’t like it, I’ll move to the other?” It sounds logical, but only if you have enough money to afford such experiments. You see, not everyone can afford to try one thing, then move on to the next, and then a third. That’s how you weigh things in comparison – who makes you feel heartful, who brings out your sins, who makes you feel angry or kind. You start to understand how people influence you, and you influence them too. You begin to realize that certain people awaken certain sides of you. You have many personalities within you. Choosing a sinful personality brings out your sinful side more. Choosing a lazy person, or spending time with someone who makes you feel lazy, will manifest your lazy personality, a version of you, a multiverse version. Of course, it’s better to choose the person who awakens the version of yourself that you want to cultivate – the best version of yourself. Makes sense, right? It’s fascinating. Now, returning to the question about “negotiating with the system.” Yes, it’s better not to wait for the system to hit you on the head. Seriously. Don’t wait for that. Of course, yes, if you make a decision... or even if you don’t yet make a decision but notice something repeating in cycles. You realize there’s always some limitation on you. You want to understand how to remove that limitation, and you recognize that the system is the one placing that limit. But why? That’s when you sit down and think, philosophize over tea, like I’ve done my whole life. You start reflecting and may realize that maybe you haven’t been accepted into any university, anywhere in the world, because perhaps you’re meant to stay with your family in your hometown. And all this time, you’ve been trying to run away. But because you