illusions? What is this? Who are these people? My assumption is that if they are being born now, and if we are living in this specific period of time, it’s because in the future – whether it’s 5, 10, or maybe even 20 years from now – we will all already be in the new era. The new era will begin within some set timeframe. And this new era is like a completely new life, with entirely different rules and so on. Now imagine, this new era won’t begin with everything disappearing, and then suddenly, when the new era starts, newborns are lying around on Earth. That’s not how it happens. Instead, this happens because we were born at the end of the 20th century, the beginning of the 21st, and those of us close to my age have felt as though we were born into the old matrix, the old system, but with different internal rules, almost like a different operating system inside. And I’ve felt this since childhood. So why did this happen?
Because, at some point during our earthly lives, just as you have felt it too, the new matrix will begin while the old one switches off. And we were already born equipped for the new matrix because we’ll experience it during our lifetime. Isn’t that interesting? What’s happening is a transition, and it means that some people already exist in the new matrix, not in the old one. I want to focus on that more now. It seems like there are people who... well, they aren’t part of the new matrix, and that’s why they were born different. That’s why they act differently, follow different rules – they don’t exist in the new matrix. But there are those who do. And yet, the new matrix, in quotes, “hasn’t appeared” yet, although it does exist; it’s just that the transition is still happening. I am currently working on something specific. I am focused on understanding the concept of the three worlds. I have a ring that a jeweler, from the Iranian religion – Zoroastrianism, I believe – gave me. It’s somewhat similar to Egyptian beliefs, but not quite. The ring depicts a man holding a disc, some kind of ring, with beautiful wings spreading out in different directions. And even in that religion, they speak of three worlds: a pure, bright, spiritual world, a dark world, which is hell, and a middle world, which is called the mixed world. The mixed world is where both good and bad are intertwined. I interpreted it this way: the mixed world is our earthly world, where everything is intertwined. The heavenly world, as referred to in other religions, is the spiritual, bright world. The underworld is hell, the dark world. Essentially, these are three different frequencies. There’s a frequency where all the “lost souls” reside in the material world, and there are those in extremes. After they leave this earthly world, they “hatch” into another place. It’s like a sorting process: some go to hell, and others to heaven.