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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:56 am
by Alexandr Korol
As an example, if your rhythm shifts from 3-3-3 to 4-4-4, you may want to occupy yourself with something – cleaning, for example – just to bring those numbers back down to 3-3-3. You fear surrendering to the 4-4-4 state. But you need to surrender to it, to get used to being in that state without resisting or suppressing it. Of course, you shouldn’t get behind the wheel of a car or operate machinery in such a state if things feel too foggy. But the energy itself needs to be accepted. Once you accept the 4-4-4 state, you’ll get used to it, and it will become the new normal – like 3-3-3 used to be. Then, the next “cosmic” leap will occur when you stop suppressing yourself again, and the energy rises to 5-5-5. At that point, you’ll again feel the urge to eat something or distract yourself, just to get out of the fog of 5-5-5. Why? Because, again, the mind wants to control everything. And this desire for control is the attachment to the material world. Losing control feels like psychological death to a person.
Just yesterday, a friend told me:

– Alex, I feel like I’m living my last year.
– No, it’s just your mind turning off. It’s your mind that’s dying, not you. Physically, you’ll be fine. You’ll live for many more years.

What he was experiencing was the mind shutting down. It’s the mind that feels like it’s dying. But not you. As it’s said, we have many personalities inside us. One of those personalities – the old one, tied to the old system of Богоматерь (Mother of God, the system) – is the mind. And it’s now shutting down, forever. Your body and consciousness are transitioning fully to the new system – God (Бог). And this new system, this new operator, has no control. But that doesn’t mean there’s chaos. It’s like when you were a child – free, flexible, without tension. Your parents took care of everything. You could lose track of time, building Legos for hours. There was no tension from the mind, which tenses the body and leads to old age and illness. Now, the mind is being turned off in everyone. And God, the new system, is being activated. This transition is happening naturally. Everything is already set in motion; we just need to wait. It’s happening to all of humanity right now, not just to you. It’s a collective mutation, a shift to the new operator, God. Everyone is switching to the new system, and those who don’t will simply die. This is the normal process of life and death, happening every day.