live alone or with others, but where your attention is being stolen. Most people living alone who listen to me actually have more noise in their heads than someone living with a family. Imagine that! The issue isn’t physical contact, but how much you’re psychologically distracted and attached to things. For example, if you’re messaging someone and can’t get them out of your head, even when you’re reading a book, subconsciously you’re still thinking about them. That’s a block. These are the people you need to block out and reduce communication with. It turns out that the person you physically live with may not be the one blocking you; you might be more distracted by someone or something you’re mentally stuck on, even if they’re not physically present. You need to calm your mind. And when you’re overwhelmed, stressed, and scattered, of course, you need 2-3 days to retreat into a spiritual, nameless space to restore yourself. But if you’ve already restored yourself, it’s enough to maintain this state daily. If you don’t maintain it, you’ll get lost. That’s why I said you must dedicate some time each day to being with yourself, to maintain your clarity. If you don’t, that clarity fades, seriously. You should feel those boundaries – it’s something you can sense. It’s about measure.
Question: I finished reading the first 159 pages of the third volume of “Alternative History” on Sunday night. Since Monday, everything seems new to me, yet also like something long forgotten. It’s as if several years have passed. I can’t even recognize the people I spoke with on Friday. Could this be related to my attention shifting to a different angle after reading?
Of course. That’s exactly what’s happening. When you begin to perceive everything this way, it means you are no longer the same person you were before; it’s a different version of you. This is like being on a different frequency or, as we might say, a different angle. You can always notice this physically because you begin to not recognize things, even though everything seems the same – yet you don’t recognize them because you’re seeing them from another angle. Something that seemed scary before now looks beautiful because, from this new angle, it’s beautiful. And what used to seem beautiful might now appear frightening. Even to that extent. Your focus shifts to completely different things, as if other objects on your street or in your apartment are now illuminated, while those previously highlighted are no longer so. Things that were once in shadow are now brought into light. In addition to this, you may feel as though you haven’t been around