perfect themselves. And the new ones here start, like chicks, to be born in this civilization and grow. And it turns out that for those who are behind this, for them, like in our system in which we live, there is no scale, that is, size, but for them, there is also no time. Time, that is, all these parameters, time and space, are set only for those who are in this system, that is, for the players, so to speak, for the students. And those who are already outside of this, for them, it may all be perceived in a completely different time and space from the outside. I have always emphasized that it is not for nothing that God created the world in six days, and on the seventh day we live. I say that for God, it is only one day. And for us, it may seem something long, infinite. Understand? This is some kind of process. It has always existed, exists, and will continue to exist and happen. You don’t even understand that there is nothing “beyond.” Well, how can I explain it to you? That is, you... All people felt themselves as people. Imagine, you were born, and you still accepted this whole game. You still encountered all the cells – black and white – and believed in all this, and believed in yourself and in people, and didn’t trust, and encountered, were offended, argued, fell in love. Believing in what all people say that this is the planet Earth, and that we humans come from monkeys, that we all grow, evolve, and that there is such a given that you need to learn to work, there is a state, there are laws, there is health, there are diseases. And we live in all this, and as long as we believe in all this – it is the set parameters of this computer game, that this is how it is and no other way. If you don’t follow this, you will really bend, that is, literally die. And therefore, everything is inevitable, and you have to play this game. And now the cards are starting to be revealed that everything is a little different. And what? And who? Unknown, unclear. Imagine, okay, you, but how is it for me all my life among people for whom it is important what kind of T-shirt you are wearing, for whom it is important to criticize you that your friend has a lisp, as an example. That is, you know the whole world, how it is arranged, and meanwhile, classmates, coursemates, relatives, friends, or some followers on social networks criticize you for having short or long fingers. And you think, “People, how foolish you are.” That’s how I live. How? That’s how I adapted to at least be a human. I write books, watch movies. Movies help the most. They show not only this bland life, the herd of people, but also different other life options.
Question: If in the old world development somehow happens through emergencies and mental stress, how will it be in the new world?