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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:07 am
by Alexandr Korol
You may not care; you would just go and watch TV shows, run family errands, and go to work. But I do care. I have cared since childhood. And it’s also very frustrating because I don’t have friends or a personal life, nothing. Because none of you are interested in it. You don’t care, and that’s why I’m alone; that’s why I’m different. But I think that it is normal to be so interested in these matters because I was born conscious. But my question is this: Why are others unconscious? How can you just ignore everything?

You were told that this shampoo is good, and you believe it, and no one is interested in the essence: why, what for, where did it come from? Why are there twelve months? Why twelve zodiac signs? Why did you agree with this if it can be disproved twenty times? Do you now understand the position I am in and what my point is? That’s why I write books. What makes me different from people? I am not leading you to anything supernatural, but I question everything like those golden balls. No one can tell me what they are, and I can’t find anything written about them on the Internet. But you would rather clog your mind with nonsense.

It’s much better if we think together. What are these balls on cathedrals for? On those bridges? Because it is a network. A network through which energy is transferred. An Energy network. I don’t know whether it worked before, works now, or will work in the future, but they let me see it, and people just don’t seem to see it. And these gestures on the hands of the saints. Well, some of you are already in the know, as I talked about this earlier, but some are now learning this for the first time. If you are at this spiritual frequency, if you still feel, and you don’t jam yourself with alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, or ignorant people and stay open, then if you make these gestures with your fingers in different ways, like on icons, then you will immediately feel some change inside the body. This energy from the head went all over the body as if switching like a neural network; something is being rebuilt, do you understand? I can feel it. I mean, it works for me.

And people, they don’t understand anything. What is it with people? Every sinful, soulless, unscrupulous, low-frequency person, a candidate for hell,