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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:36 pm
by Alexandr Korol
Question: The Mystic-Old-Man said that currently in the underworld, in hell, where you are now, there are 8% of people, but this will increase to 16, 32, 48%. Is this perhaps the purification process, where people from society won’t pass through it, while all the good, kind people will? Or is this something entirely different?

Yes, it is indeed a purification process. After this, many people will no longer want to engage in any dark activities, even a little, once they come out of this darkness. They will be so frightened that they won’t want to return there. Others will remain in this darkness until they commit crimes against themselves or others, which will then lead to their punishment, arrest, or death. This is a form of mental confusion. You have to understand that anyone who has been involved in a fatal accident, committed a crime, or attacked someone, or done something unclear to themselves, was already in a state of delusion. A person in a sane mind and with a pure heart would not harm others or themselves. Thus, they were already under an illusion. He was already under the influence of some of these energies. And there are these dark energies. But he somehow let them into himself. He somehow fell under their influence. Despite this, he still trusted them for some reason. He had a conscience, a heart, and reason, and logic. Even though his mood became bad. One cannot immediately lash out at someone just because of a bad mood. Imagine, if you have a bad mood and you immediately start sending me hate messages on social media. Many people have done that. And you were in a state of confusion. And the consequences, you are responsible for them. You need to stop yourself in the moment when you feel like doing something bad, and understand that once you act, you cannot undo it when you come out of this delirium.

Question: The Bible begins with the creation of the world: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” There is another verse at the beginning of the Book of John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. The Word was God.” It seems that there was already a perfect, all-powerful God who created. We have always been taught that God existed eternally and has no beginning or end.

Although it seems to say that He has a beginning and an end. But that aside, perhaps He is the beginning and end for us, but not for Himself.
But if we take into account your information, the main God here is nurturing the Son to eventually leave and create a new world as well. The God who created