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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

of eight cubes. And I am in one corner, but behind me are similar corners, and also inverted – these are all the angles. But this is all the eighth unique secret angle. This is also something to remember. Then you will understand how the matrix uniquely unfolds. So, it’s as if in one universe you manifest as one God in this angle, then you manifest to people as three angles in front of you, and then it unfolds further with the additional four angles above. That’s how it unfolds, but it’s just one of the universes, or one of the computer games, so to speak. And this God also exists in other worlds, where everything is arranged according to the same hierarchy, but when you are in a corner, just imagine that behind you, you are also sitting in a corner, back to back, and everything unfolds in the same way. It’s very, very interesting.

As you understand now, when a person reads the first volume of the book, the second volume, and the third volume, it is a process of liberation, a view of the world from this main angle, from the correct angle. I reveal the structure of the world from this angle, how it is seen, how it is projected, how it is arranged. The book is structured very powerfully. For someone at a more primitive level of development, the first volume might seem unique, for someone else, the second might be shocking, especially those who like superficial, confirming things like “the matrix in icons.” But actually, the most powerful volume is, naturally, the third. There may not be any physical, superficial images or matrices in it, but the third volume provides the most development and liberation. It explains what it means to open the wrong doors, how you might enter the wrong multiverses, how the world is arranged among all these multiverses, why all this is done, and what the next world is like when you free yourself from all this.
Now understand that if a psychologist were to use this information as a basis, they would recognize that the person sitting before them comes from one of the three worlds: either from the world of the heart, the world of the mind, or the world underground, the world of instincts. There are three worlds. There is also a fourth, which is if an entity comes to them. But that’s the fourth world, the fourth angle, the fourth dimension – this is something else, this is already the servants of God. But that’s another topic.
And when you understand these three main worlds, you also understand why a person chooses a car, why they choose their relationships, why they work, why they read something or desire or do not desire something. In the world of the heart, feelings and uncontrolled impressions drive people. They are naively