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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:03 pm
by Alexandr Korol
Mystic-Old-Man: That’s exactly what you’re asking. That’s exactly what you’re talking about.
Alexandr: Then I have this question. Was it like that in the past era?
Mystic-Old-Man: It was the case.
Alexandr: Okay. Is this God in that era and in this one the same system, or does one system replace another while the other continues?
Mystic-Old-Man: It is closer to the second.
Alexandr: For God to embody Himself, is it enough for Him to manifest in one person, or does He need a certain number of people?
Mystic-Old-Man: That is absolutely unimportant.
Alexandr: Okay, next question. About aliens, who are often written about in newspapers and appear somewhere, are they interested in keeping it hidden? Or are countries interested in hiding them? Who ultimately hides them? Do they themselves want to stay hidden, or do governments hide them from people, while aliens actually want to reveal themselves? Or do aliens want to stay hidden?
Mystic-Old-Man: Both.
Alexandr: Will they reveal themselves this year or next?
Mystic-Old-Man: No. If it’s to be made public, as they say, like “the revelation of Christ to the people”, it will be around 75. But contacts are still taking place.
Alexandr: So, it’s not soon for the people?
Mystic-Old-Man: Well, it will be important for some reason.
Alexandr: Okay. Are there just one type or different types of aliens who want to make contact?
Mystic-Old-Man: For now, only one type will appear. We are not ready for others, because there is a certain potential that we will be ready for.
Alexandr: Okay, another question. Suppose the world is divided into three ranges, like three Wi-Fi points, or three worlds. Suppose there is a dark world where everything is bad. And I understand correctly that if a person lives in a light world, he cannot have troubles because that is the scenario of the dark world. To punish a person, he first needs to enter the dark world, and then he might face troubles.
Mystic-Old-Man: We will still divide it this way. But there is something else, at a level where interaction occurs, specifically interaction of another order.
Alexandr: Then I’ll ask the question differently. Is there a sense that there is a selection process happening now, where people who need to be safe are now in a parallel reality, as if they have fallen out of society? Is that happening now?