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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:17 pm
by Alexandr Korol
If we look at these images, there are three of them, and they are holding the wheel. They are three. Since I am searching for the three worlds, it is interesting to consider that these might represent the three worlds. This all seems to be part of the matrix or structure. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the concept of three around a wheel also appears in the bhava-chakra. The bhava-chakra is the Wheel of Life in Hinduism and Buddhism. And there is the term “klesha”, you can Google it, and you can also Google what “the three poisons” are. This, too, is a structure of the world, and at the center, inside, there are three animals again, but they are slightly different: a rooster, a snake, and a pig. And what is curious is something else – there should be three worlds, in my understanding, which I kept searching for, and three deities, and three worlds. They should be both good and bad. That is, if we compare this with the Gods, there are three Gods, and there are three worlds – heaven, earth, and underground. So then, only one of the three elements should be something dark, that is, underground. But here, in Buddhism and Hinduism, they consider these... But it’s not three worlds; it’s just three elements, but they call them “the three dark elements.” That these are three weaknesses of a person, three human vices. And here comes the question, so what is what then? And what is encoded in the Tarot card, which is the Wheel of Life? And what is encoded then in this Wheel of Life, which is in Buddhism? Is it the same or different, or perhaps someone mistranslated something? And the last thing I am working on right now is deciphering this.
But just imagine how paradoxical everything is: a couple of days ago, or more precisely, about a week ago, I paid attention to these three animals that are in Buddhism and Hinduism, the “three poisons.” And then, I accidentally turn on the second part of the movie “The Man from Earth”, and right at the beginning of the movie, he talks about this. I realize how much the system emphasizes it. And before that, Big Alexander told me to look at the Tarot cards, where again I notice this wheel with the three animals, though the animals are slightly different. And all these three worlds, three worlds, three worlds – they show them to me from different angles everywhere. Sometimes it’s the three Gods, sometimes the three worlds, and now the three animals appear – one version in the Tarot cards and another in Buddhism and Hinduism. What is this? This is what I’ve been working on lately.
  • Read the article on Wikipedia: “Wheel of Fortune (Tarot card)”
    Read the articles on Wikipedia: “Bhavachakra”, “Klesha”, “Three poisons”