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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:32 pm
by Alexandr Korol
Mystic-Old-Man: Well, practically, yes.
Alexandr: Okay. And am I right in understanding that besides these three, let’s call them sides or corners, there is also a fourth corner, like a fourth side, which is the most important one, above the other three?
Mystic-Old-Man: Yes, there is such a thing.
Alexandr: Alright. And physically, if we look at our map, where we live, is there a place like this, physically, the fourth one...?
Mystic-Old-Man: Yes.
Alexandr: Is it located in Antarctica?
Mystic-Old-Man: No, it’s in Siberia. It’s in Siberia.
Alexandr: Is there just one place like this, or are there several?
Mystic-Old-Man: There are several.
Alexandr: Two or more?
Mystic-Old-Man: Technically, there are two today, but there are more. By the way, Siberia and Australia.
Alexandr: Do these places move, or are they always in the same location?
Mystic-Old-Man: Remarkably, the third one moves. It appears and disappears under the water. Well, not exactly under the water, but in a figurative sense.
Alexandr: And these places, like Siberia or Australia, even if something changes over time – over hundreds of millennia, like the positions of continents, landmasses, all of that – do they still remain in the same locations? Or do they have the ability to shift?
Mystic-Old-Man: They remain in the same locations, but still, the third one is floating. It is constantly changing. It has the greatest power, and it moves.
Alexandr: And what is it? Is it some kind of entrance?
Mystic-Old-Man: Well, yes. It could possibly be an entrance, exit, connection, a node, a coincidence.
Alexandr: Alright. Another question then. I’m currently writing the fourth volume of my novel, and I already have a draft of 300 pages. My question is, once I finish this volume, will I immediately start working on more books, or will there be a pause, a break, or some rest? Or is this my last book?
Mystic-Old-Man: There will be a pause, a break, rest, and then there will be more. And it will happen in a cube.
Alexandr: Alright. Which of all my volumes will be the strongest? What number comes to your mind?
Mystic-Old-Man: The second. Despite the continuation, the second. The second is the strongest. There’s something hidden in it.