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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:37 pm
by Alexandr Korol
but also very unusual. When I’m somewhat “closed off”, so to speak, and I want to reach out “there” – to whoever is guiding me, up above (again, speaking figuratively) – I hear a voice, someone or something giving me information. But when I become that, I no longer hear any voice because I become Him. He is already within me. At most, I might see images, like visions shown by the power that’s already inside me. So, everything I think while I’m in the Spirit is already Him. There can be no dialogue with anyone. A dialogue happens when He is still somewhere else, and you are here – so you hear a voice. But when He is in you, you are that voice. This is a very unique observation. It turns out that I felt this incredible state of being in the Spirit, of being possessed by something or connecting to something. I recorded this state of being in the Spirit at the end of the first volume of “Alternative History”, and I considered it a level beyond anything I’d experienced before, something I didn’t want to lose. And then Big Alexander told me that this wasn’t the main God. I didn’t understand him at the time. He said that this wasn’t what I was meant to reach yet, that this Spirit had entered me, but there’s another Spirit that’s even higher. There’s another God who is greater. He said that if the main God had truly entered me, I wouldn’t confuse it with anything else. That’s how he explained it to me. At that time, I didn’t know that there were different Spirits. The next time I felt a different Spirit was on Friday, October 13, 2023, when I encountered the Spirit of Justice. It felt similar, like I was in the Spirit, extraordinary and incredible, as if I were some kind of superhuman, but it had a different tone, something distinct. To ensure I didn’t lose that feeling, I immediately started recording and writing down everything that was associated with the energy I felt, what was capturing my attention. I noted everything. Then I called Big Alexander, and he told me, “Make sure you keep it, make sure you remember how to summon this Spirit.” That’s how he put it. He said that if I learned to do that, it would be “something huge”, that this Spirit was the most serious, the strongest one. It’s also curious that I started recalling how I encountered this Spirit during childhood, though I didn’t recognize it as anything significant at the time, unlike most people. I started remembering certain moments in my life, like when I’d meet classmates or friends, and we’d watch films like Van Helsing. I also remembered how much I loved the movie Sleepy Hollow and how, after seeing it on TV for the first time, I made a toy with a spinning bird in a cage and brought it to school the next day to show everyone. I remember I already had tracks by Nine Inch Nails and