Page 544

Alexandr Korol
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Page 544

Post by Alexandr Korol »

Am I not now trying to create cosmos out of chaos? To put everything in order, to give everything an explanation? And aren’t we living now in chaos, where I find myself in this profane time, this mythical time, which is now the middle of the world, as I mentioned in the second volume of “Alternative History”? Isn’t this the time now, and if we are to be wiser and not take everything physically literally, perhaps when something is being created in the heavens and people on earth don’t know about it, we should understand it differently? Maybe we should no longer imagine this physically? Could it be that people in the heavens or I, in the heavens, am creating something, writing books? And maybe I’m not literally doing it in the heavens, but it’s just that in ancient writings, it says that “someone is doing something in the heavens” while those on earth are unaware. Or “someone from the heavens” descended to earth. Do you now understand that it’s not physical, but rather from one of the three large multiverses – that is, virtual realities, simulations – and that someone from the simulation of heaven enters the simulation of earth, where the rules and people are simply different? Do you now understand this?
Do you now understand that the creation of the world wasn’t done on a computer or with shovels? It’s all just information, words, information that exists in your mind. And when the world is destroyed, it’s perhaps the dissolution of those illusions that acted as invisible chains in your mind. When the boundaries of everything are erased, and new, organized information is revealed, that is the creation of a new world. Let me continue reading from Wikipedia, what I took note of: “In the mythology of ancient Greece – first described by Hesiod in Theogony – chaos is the personification of the primordial state of the world before anything existed (before the creation of the ordered universe, the cosmos, with the appearance of Gaia and Eros). According to Hesiod, chaos was the first to arise. According to Hyginus, it was born from mist, and in union with chaos, the mist gave birth to Night, Day, Erebus, and Aether. The gods that appeared alongside Chaos were Gaia (Earth), Tartarus (the Abyss), and Eros (Love).” You see, these three worlds: Earth, the Abyss, and Love. Love is the Spirit of Heaven. Eros, Tartarus – this is the abyss, the dark god, the god of justice. Gaia is the Earth, the god of logic and mind. Now, you must also read more closely what “mythical time” is and what “the center of the world” means. “Mythical time – in mythology, the ‘initial,’ ‘early,’ ‘first’ time, the ‘proto- time,’ the time of the world’s appearance, sacred time preceding ordinary, real, empirical (historical) ‘profane’ time. In mythical time, totemic and tribal