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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:12 pm
by Alexandr Korol
Everyone will be curious about what’s happening to me and how exactly I am transforming. Of course, when I was drawing all these geometric figures on paper, revisiting the matrix, and reading archives, descriptions, Wikipedia entries – everything I could find related to it, including sacred scriptures and the tetramorph – I certainly felt that something was happening to me. With each realization, with every line, dot, and connection I made in the matrix, something inside me activated. And what can be observed from the outside is that when I’m in the Spirit, especially in the kind of Spirit that has been with me these past three days, you would notice that someone else has taken over, and it’s not me, not Alex, but someone else. Why? Because you know that the usual Alex does this and that, but doesn’t do certain other things. Yet when the Spirit enters me, everything changes. For example, you might suddenly see me sitting quietly, or conversely, listening to music from my phone instead of from a speaker. Or you might notice that I’m sitting without a cap. Right now, I’m sitting without one, even though I always wear it to keep my hair in place. So, when I’m in the Spirit, I do things that are uncharacteristic of my everyday self. And if someone is nearby, they immediately notice that something is off, or rather, that someone or something has entered or possessed me. It’s quite curious. But now we understand that there are no ghosts possessing people – it’s a bit different. It turns out that there really are these spheres, like artificial intelligences, consciousnesses, systems, simulations. These minds – there are four minds, four elements. And one of these minds starts manifesting in me, taking over my body and being human in it. Sometimes it’s one, sometimes another, then a third, then a fourth – all these consciousnesses manifest in this way. Yes, these are consciousnesses and forces. And these consciousnesses and forces are me. Depending on the task, I connect to one Wi-Fi point, so to speak, then to another, or a third, or a fourth. That’s how it works. What was happening to me? The first thing I can note, if I were to record my observations, is that during the three days when I was in the Spirit, I couldn’t sleep. I could feel just as clear and energized at 3 a.m. as I did in the morning when I was awake and working. It didn’t matter whether ten, fifteen, or twenty hours had passed; I didn’t feel even a hint of tiredness. That’s the first thing. The second is that you have complete clarity and total concentration. It’s as if you’re a child deeply absorbed in building Legos, and nothing else matters. It’s like having earplugs in, making it impossible to be distracted. No external sound, voice, or noise from the street could distract me at all. It felt as if I couldn’t focus on anything