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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:20 pm
by Alexandr Korol
I solved a matrix with friends, drawing it over the city of Saint Petersburg. Essentially, I had drawn the same thing. At that time, we were also looking for 8, 32, and 64, and I found all of this in the layout of Saint Petersburg. It’s interesting that we are now returning to this topic again, as if it’s not just a coincidence. Why? Because when I ask the Mystic-Old-Man, I already know the answer to any question I pose. I simply want to develop the topic in a dialogue format, as it helps to reveal it more fully for the reader. Before I called him, I had already shared with my friends that “Guys, there’s some scientific work online, maybe by students or school kids. They reference Russian scientists regarding how our entire Earth is divided by a kind of grid. And that this grid is what I am currently deciphering further in my matrix.” What’s more interesting is that this same grid seems to align with my city, Saint Petersburg. It’s as if everything that happens in this city will be reflected across the entire world. I mentioned this as well in the second volume of “Alternative History.” And it’s curious that I asked the Mystic-Old-Man about these points, and he confirmed that it’s true – they exist all over the Earth, even underwater. I then asked him if something like this grid could exist in miniature form, perhaps in a city or country, and he said “yes.” At that moment, it became clear to me what he was referring to. Additionally, I had received information from the Spirit that I wanted to confirm. I asked the Mystic-Old-Man whether it’s true that, just as all the planets in the Solar System are moving, the continents should also be moving, and he said “yes.” And so I told him, “Could it be that there is this matrix, and the continents are moving, changing their positions like growth? For example, a continent might have been at position 5, but over time it will eventually reach position 6.” The Mystic-Old-Man confirmed that this is indeed the case. I had just explained this theory to my friends recently, telling them that people don’t realize that continents are moving. Imagine this, I said, “You live like a hamster in a box. In this box, there are little holes, and you look through them, seeing that the box is sitting in an apartment. Naturally, if your box were carried outside, you would realize by looking through the hole that you’re now outside; you’d know you had moved. But how would you know that you’ve moved if it’s not the box that’s being moved, but the entire apartment? You’d still be looking at the same view through the hole.” The same concept applies to the movement of continents – relative to the solar system, or the planets, it’s almost imperceptible. Our perception of it feels static, which makes it difficult for scientists to measure. However, I wanted to confirm this with the Mystic-Old-Man, and he agreed, saying,