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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:09 am
by Alexandr Korol
  • Look at the pictures on Google:
    Magnum Opus illustrations.
    Fludd’s System of Health illustrations, 1631 (Fludd’s System of Health, 1631).
    Illustration from the book by Robert Fludd, English physician and Rosicrucian. Human mental abilities are classified from the point of view of God and the Universe. Color engraving from Fludd’s 17th-century treatise “Utriusque Cosmi.”
    Illustration “Microcosmos of Man” (Silesia Martin from Hein Meyer: Homo Microcosmus, Hoc Est (1670)).
  • Read the Wikipedia article “Creed.”
    Read the Wikipedia article “Asclepius (tract)”.
    Read the Wikipedia article “Nus.”
    Read the Wikipedia article “Hermetic Corps.”
  • “For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him also the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels” (Mark 8:38)
  • Open the Bible, the revelation of John’s “apocalypse”.. read, study, and find the matrix!
And after alchemy, I studied everything about the Peterburg tsars .. and about the church...
  • Watch Russian movies: “Rasputin,” “Admiral,” and the animated movie “Anastasia.”
This is the revelation of John the Apostle, the apocalypse. The fourth chapter which describes the structure of the circuit. And the twenty-first chapter, I am looking at it now from scratch. I don’t have the kind of approach that thinks, “I remember how I did it; now I’ll draw it.” No, I don’t specifically remember anything. I’ve now read these chapters again and written out all these points where numbers and elements are used, and now I will draw it again from scratch.