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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:18 am
by Alexandr Korol
The sacred language is the language of the essence; that is, it is not material. Are you with me? The material language seems to be concrete and chopped, and it’s this language that people now communicate in. But people of another time they would not understand this language. But its sacred language can be understood at all times by all strata of society. Are you with me? It is such a timeless language. This is what sacred language is. It is a language of a much higher level. It is the only way these things can be explained. They cannot be explained in our human language because our language is like 2D. Are you with me? And you need to speak the language of such things in 4D.

I have been compared to Carlos Castaneda. I bet you’ve read books and watched movies where some wise guys were talking about something using sacred language, trying to explain something to a reader/viewer that is not tangible or abstract. Something philosophical.

What is interesting is that all this has been unveiled for me for the past couple of years. I don’t prove anything to anybody; I don’t explain anymore. My level and position are very different now. And if someone reaches out to me for advice, I would just say, “You need more time alone, just you and silence.” And the person’s reaction would be: “But why? What for?” I’ll tell him, “It doesn’t matter why and what for. Just spend more time by yourself in silence, and your troubles will pass.” And that’s it. I can tell him:” You need to learn how to be still,” or something like that, and if that person listens to me and does what I say, it will do him good. But most people are stuck in their minds and in society and are not satisfied with simple advice like that. That’s why I have to go into detail during my consultations to coddle everybody. So much effort is necessary to satisfy the mind of a spoiled person. If the people would just believe, the consultations would last for five minutes, and that would be enough. I would just tell them what to do, and that is all.

This is what I have been doing for all these years through my videos through my books. You can’t have the process done for you; you have to do it yourself. If you go through it and grasp it, you will understand the sacred language. People have this huge issue. When they research, they look for symbols, draw some pictures,