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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

17. The Bible in front of your eyes

The Bible describes sins, different life rules, right and wrong, and God’s punishment. It is said in the apocalypse chapters that a day will come when a demon will appear, and everyone who follows him will have a devil’s print on his forehead. This time will be short, and then the world will end.

I will explain. This demon, the serpent who tempts people, is the society, the material world. It is what is happening now in the world. When you check Instagram and every country girl is taking pictures of her butt for likes on her page. This is what demons are. Demon is when you sell your soul and choose the material path. It is when you choose to live according to your mind. It is when you choose your partner for their money. When you go to the job that you hate for the money. When you buy a car and choose the model that is cheaper and on sale instead of the car that you actually like. Are you with me? When you are not in touch with a good friend, your soulmate, but instead you are hanging out with someone for money, for benefit. I am waiting for the world to end. This time will come. And it will be a big day for me. I’m not gonna need to explain any more what my books are about. Everyone will read them from cover to cover to save themselves. And if you would ask me how to live? I say, live like the Bible says. It is the same thing; I am just explaining to you in a modern, non-sacred language. Live by your heart, don’t lie, don’t betray, don’t be jealous, don’t imitate anyone. That is our assignment. And everything will be good. What is happening now will make people sink deeper into society and go nuts. People are following the wrong path and will be punished for it. And it is their own fault; it is their choice. They were told, “Did you have the Bible? Did you read the hints? Did you see the signs? You had the signs, you had the books, you had Alexandr Korol.” And for those who didn’t listen, it is their problem. If you have faith, hope, and love, and you are humble, clean, and free from egoism, everything will be good with you. These people have God’s stamp on them.

Let me explain in a different way. What does it mean when a person has a spark or doesn’t have a spark? Those few people who still have the light inside, those who can feel the energy, feel me, feel the icons – those people are safe, and nothing