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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:10 pm
by Alexandr Korol
distorted, crooked, and wrong. They used to install monuments not for fame, as our stupid oligarchs now do by installing their monuments and gold toilets. The goal was not to show off and install a monument by your castle just for the looks. I am waiting and hoping that the time will come when truth and justice will come back to this world. The monument is a ritualistic object. It is connected directly to those who rule; that is the point. When there was a unique holy character, not a human anymore but almost an alien, a demi-god, they copied his vessel to connect to his frequency and energy source because he was from above. It is not by chance that many religions have idols, like Buddhism. I will tell you the story of something that happened to me recently. I was at a doctor’s appointment, lying on the procedure table, and I felt someone was looking at me. I turned my head and saw a Buddha statue. But someone was there in it. Like it was empty, and then energy appeared in it, and I felt that it was consciousness. They show in the movies that people kneel before statues of Gods. They bring gifts and pray, talking to them and hoping God will hear them. It is a way of communication through the statues. I feel like we need to go back to those times when people were believers, and everyone knew there were gods and you could talk to them. In all ancient civilizations shown in movies, people communicate with Gods, asking them for rain, for example, or asking the Gods not to get mad. It was all true and real. Material people in power made everything corny and mundane. As if only silly, undeveloped tribal people believed in gods, and everything is science. But it is all true, and gods do rule. Lately, it seems like everything is going back, and I got it back, and it is getting stronger every day.

So, the principle of light catching was applied to the monuments for this reason. It works. Therefore, the energy comes from those whom I am communicating with. From the “aliens” into my vessel. Therefore, you can connect to them through me. It is a fact. If you have my photo and you are attuned to me, then you will connect to where I am connected. It can only work for a person who is aware and clean, without mind. Miracles may happen, too. I once shared a technique where you take three sticks, tie them together, paint the tips red, put them under your pillow, and see what happens. Why will something happen? Because this trick is from the other world, not from society. It is from my world without mind. When you do it, you ascend, you connect to a different world, and