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Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:18 pm
by Alexandr Korol
1. Story about keys from Paradise

I want to tell you how I got hold of this information. And even if some of you already know it, we still need to go over it. It is important that we study and research all of it. I want to give you an opportunity to dig into it deeply and to shape your own opinion of it. Are you with me?

My first book, a draft, was based on the notes I wrote during insomnia when I poured my heart onto the paper. It all started in high school when I realized that my perspective of life and my understanding of human relationships was completely different from how people usually understood it. When I realized that my understanding was very different, I started a diary. I began to write that I don’t understand why people tell lies. Why do people suffer? Why are they scared to be truthful, and why do they pretend? Why are people friends with people they don’t even like? Why do they betray? Why do they keep relationships only for profit and gain? Why do parents ignore their kids? Why do people deceive one another? I was deeply touched by these questions that arose in me. So, I described various situations that I witnessed and shared my vision and views.

That is how it all started. Later, when I left home, I became even more sensitive to everything; I began to feel people – what they think, what they feel, what hurts them, I understood them for who they were. Like I lived the life of each person. And many paradoxical situations happened to me, and I wrote about them in my diary. I wrote in my diary how I see people, how I feel them, how I feel energies, how the palms of my hands get hot, how I feel chakras, how I dived into an unusual state of mind when I listened to music and how later I found out from some people online that what I experience is a state of meditation. And when I shared this, people started calling me “indigo child” and other terms. I didn’t understand what was happening to me and who I was. And I had this feeling that there was “Me,” and there were “people,” and there was “They.” I just called it “They,” as I’ve always had this feeling that someone is listening to me up there and they are watching me, and they know everything about me, like what I feel and what I want and don’t want. You can’t hide from Them, that’s how I feel. And then, some unusual things happened to me that I want to talk about, and we will