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Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:23 pm
by Alexandr Korol
She called me the next day and said:

– Alex, don’t tell anyone about yourself.
– OK, but what happened?
– Well, a guy called, he is your namesake, Alexander, and was asking about you. He somehow knew that we’d spoken and was asking all about you. I told him that you are young, just eighteen, and you know nothing. Just a guy who watched too many movies, and I asked him to stay away from you.
– Why did you tell him that?
– I want him to leave you alone. You don’t need any of this.
– What’s “this”?
– Forget about everything. Live your life like everyone else. Be ordinary, be simple, be free.

She tells me that they can take me away, that Alexander, who called her, is interested in people like me. Well, after that, we did not communicate for some time. I continued to live my strange life. And then, six months later, I called Valentina and said: “Hey, I want to talk to Alexander.” I want him to take me with him. Valentina asked me why. I told her that I didn’t want to be among ordinary people and their low values. Everyone just wants a car, an apartment, a family, and they don’t want anything else. I have nothing to talk to them about.

My thought patterns were massive, global, out of this world. I was constantly wondering why there are so many planets and why we are on this planet. Is it a planet at all? And who is God? And who is in charge of everything? How is everything arranged? Why was I born into this family? Why in this city? What is this city? When and where is everything going, and ultimately, what is the meaning of life? I had so many questions.

And no one ever asked me such questions. Even those who already knew that I was an indigo child, even they only ever asked me stupid and primitive questions. And I told Valentina that I wanted to be among my own kind. And I gave her this example. Imagine that I live in a small village, and I have millions of dollars, and I have already bought everything in that village, and I don’t know