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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 6:50 am
by Alexandr Korol
But you start to notice that you don’t get offended in situations you normally would have. And now you like some food that you previously disliked. This is how it changes for a person.

This is not obvious. How are we different from one another? Our reaction to objects and our choices. Focus. Attention. This is what I have done since childhood. I am growing and cultivating myself; I do techniques, attend places of power, and surround myself with artifacts and stones. All of it changes perception and reaction. If I hadn’t visited places of power in 2010 and evolved throughout these ten years, I would have a very primitive reaction to everything. I would laugh if I were shown a stupid meme. And now I will not react at all. Everyone has a different reaction. If we put ten people in a row and ask them, “Guys, what do you think about this picture?” Everyone will react differently. This reaction is an indicator of the level of their personal development.

But if we are super-scientists and know that these ten people are developed to a certain level. For example, the first one is advanced to level one, the second to level two, the third guy to level three, and the tenth guy is at level ten. Since we are superhumans, we know each person’s reaction and so on. Everything is very predictable, and we see that the person at level three will say, “Cool picture.” The person at level five will say, “This picture is bullshit; I am not interested.” And a person at level ten will have a completely different answer. The point is that before the places of power, a person would react as if at level three, and after the place of power, he will react from level ten. Accordingly, he will choose a different partner, and he will start approaching the money he makes in a different way. He will have a different approach to his health and everything in general. These are just personal values. Personal values, reactions, and choices. If I had stayed the same old me from four years ago, I couldn’t live in the place where I live now. No... I remember who I was. The problem people have is that they live on autopilot. They don’t remember. If not, find the photos and remember what you ate, what you listened to, who your friends were, what you got up to, and what you used to like. Remember what you were annoyed or offended by or what you were dreaming of. Have you grown since then? If so, you can look back with humor and compassion. Everything that was before should be completely