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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:13 am
by Alexandr Korol
somewhat like a magnet. If you look at a magnet, you will notice that it doesn’t have any impurities; it is perfectly black and made of tiny particles. And this stone looks a lot like a magnet. And the more we cut into it, the harder it became to process. The emanation became stronger, too, and some metallic silver veins began to appear in the structure. I am telling you everything that happened in detail.

We continued to move forward with excavation, and I asked the Mystic-old man if this fragment was hollow inside. He said that it is hollow but filled in with something that disperses the energy. I asked him if it was in working mode, and he said yes, it was, and all the small fragments scattered around were connected somehow and had the same qualities as the whole object. I will add something else as well; it’s very interesting. I have so much information about “aliens” through my personal experiences, and I always have YouTube documentaries on the subject playing in the background. And when I watch them, I can tell right away what is true and what is a lie. There is an organization called “Kosmopoisk,” and there was a dude involved who passed away in 2017. And he was some kind of celebrity and was always featured in different documentaries about “aliens” and exceptional areas. During one of the conferences, he was asked, “You have been researching the UFO for so long; have you seen something that confirms your theories? Have you seen an extraterrestrial spaceship with your own eyes?”. He said that he saw the remains of a fallen alien spaceship and found some fragments. He said that they looked like pieces of ceramics, like clay. And this resonated with me a lot because I’ve always thought that people often have misperceptions about the materials that might be used to make spacecraft. And that a spaceship is not necessarily made of metal sheets like a train, a boat, or an aircraft. Maybe they have other technologies, and they use some kind of cement that has interlayers instead of wires, and these layers work as conductors of energy.

The Mystic-old man stated that the plate that we found was not a stone; he meant that it was a part of the object that looked like a stone. The man from Kosmopoisk also said the same thing. But being a skeptic, I question everything, and for now, it is just a stone plate for me, even though there is a possibility that it might be a