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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

explanation. I told you before that if you have your rings, earrings, or pendants on during some kind of traumatic situation, you should not wear them afterward. Because the items will have been saturated with that negative energy, and this energy will attract other negative events. A lot of women don’t notice it, but they wear certain earrings or brooches to a party and encounter negative behavior. Then they put them away, not thinking anything of it, and then a month later, they wear the same jewelry again and encounter more negative behavior. They don’t understand it, but it’s the energy in these pieces of jewelry that is attracting the negativity. There is also a possibility of this happening in an emergency. A person can charge his earrings, rings, or pendants with negative energy by accident when he is out of his mind. You know how sometimes people yell mindlessly in an uncontrolled manner. It’s shown very well in the movie” “X- Me.”” The character, Magneto, relies on his anger to turn off his mind and turn on his superpowers. But the professor tells him that he can achieve the same effect through love. If he thinks of something beautiful and immerses himself in it, then his mind turns off, and his superpowers will turn on. Therefore, it can happen that a person accidentally charges the objects that he wore during an accident and holds on to the negative objects afterward. Why am I telling you this? You may have Gifts of Magi, myrrh, frankincense, and gold, and they may work for you, But if you carry them around for too long, they may discharge or even get charged with negativity. That is why I think it is better to prepare the Gifts of Magi from scratch and wear them on purpose. This is the correct way. If I feel negativity or disturbance or something bad happens and I want to get rid of that negative energy, I will wear my Gifts of Magi pouch around my neck, and then I am in heaven. But right after that, I would remove the bag and prepare a new package next time. Just have all the ingredients ready. The point of my long and complex explanation is to encourage you to purchase myrrh, frankincense, and gold, have it ready, and when you need it, take a piece of gold, some myrrh, and some frankincense, put it together in a pouch and wear it. It must be fresh and clean, you see.

Let me tell you how to choose your precious stones. First of all -don’t believe articles that say that each person has his own stone or assigns stones to each zodiac sign. It is true in theory, but in reality, not a single person knows this