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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:47 am
by Alexandr Korol
coordinate system. The coordinate system can also be assessed from different angles. The Earth rotates 360 degrees. If we divide 360 by twelve, we get thirty degrees. There are cardinal points as well as a plus and a minus. If I am standing at one point on the globe, then the opposite point will have the opposite time. The Earth orbits around the Sun. At some point, I was trying to prove that when the Sun shines on one side of the Earth, that side is turned on, and people are awake because the Sun is on that side. The other side is dark. Twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness. Also, there are solstices. Pay attention to what is predominant and what is not. You must spend time on it, be diligent and puzzle your brain on this topic. You can put some mystical classical music on in the background. We used the soundtrack from the movie “King Arthur. Legend of the Sword”. Sit down with your notebook at night and research it. It is very interesting. You can have a buddy with you, but no more than one. A group of three people is not going to work. Also, you can work on it by yourself and then share your thoughts and discoveries with someone. See how he understands it as well. Discussing it with another person will help you to understand it more because you will see it from a different angle and have new insights.

Going back to the human body. You see, I am jumping from one subject to another. It is very helpful for solving this riddle. Here is a body; it has all twelve elements on each side, front and back. It is like a mirror. In order to solve it, you need a sphere, a cube, a geometry compass and a protractor to measure the angles. You also need a light and a mirror. This is very important. You can use light to experiment with the geometrical shapes. You can make holes in the cube, cylinder or sphere and point light into the holes at different angles. You will see light and shadows, and many things will become clear to you. You will understand what is 2D and what is 3D because you live in quite different dimensions. Right now, it is a transitional time. The body has twelve parts on the front and twelve on the back. But I can flip it because we have plus and minus inside. So I flip the figurine of the body, and I still have twelve and twelve. Why do I flip it? Because there are four natural forces, you may google them as “four forces of alchemy.” You will see them depicted in symbols. Fire is a triangle – it is a figure of the body facing us. And there is earth. Front and back, light and dark. If we flip the fire and earth triangles, they turn into the air and water symbols.