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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:22 am
by Alexandr Korol
This was my vague perception of what may happen. I can’t know exactly what will happen. I use to say:

– Some cataclysms will happen soon, a collapse.
– The end time?, – people were asking
– No, there can’t be an end time. It’s not possible because something is evolving me so much. Why would I be writing all my books if there will be the end of the world? If I am writing my books, someone will be reading them. It is necessary that I am growing and developing so much, so there will be no end of the world.

It is not logical to destroy everything. Something global will happen, yes. It might be scary but not of a scale to sweep everyone from the face of the Earth.

When the pandemic started, a lot of people remembered that for the past ten years I was talking about some future global events that would happen by 2023. Some global incident. And everything will change.

Everyone was calling and writing:

– Alex, you were right. Is it what you meant, Alex?
– I don’t really know. Maybe it is. Maybe it is not.

When a year passed, I said:

– I think this is not what I was waiting for. I always had a feeling and saw a picture that something in the world will change and people will not care about TikTok and photos of food. People will not even think about that. Something will happen and people’s attention will be disconnected from the old system of society. The entire system must collapse.

What have we witnessed? When the covid pandemic started, everyone was shaken. And a half a year later people got adapted and went back head in first into the sins and degradation. People adjusted quickly and closed their hearts. They shut down. That is, they opened up first and then their hearts shut down.