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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:32 am
by Alexandr Korol
frequency of rest. In order to connect into a frequency of family, when you are going home, you need to reset yourself to a zero. That is, you need to disconnect from the frequency of work and connect to a frequency of “zero”. This is a state of assemblage point, a state of “here and now”. Only when you are at this point you may connect to another frequency. For example, connect to your family that is waiting for you. And this is the most correct approach.

I was working on this zero point, what is this “assemblage point”? This is a frequency of mindfulness, a frequency of heart. I also called it a “corridor”.This is when your thoughts are disconnected from everything and you go deep inside of yourself. And then you connect to something else. I would say many people called it “spiritual mindset”. You know, there are materialistic vibrations – a rhythm of mind, and there are spiritual vibrations – a rhythm of heart. I wrote in my book “Corridor” that the ordinary world, society and people who live with the minds have a lot of various frequencies. There are people of low frequency and people of high frequency – these are all layers of society. This is a structure of the world, society that people are part of. But when a person experiences some shock and when his material world crushes, his attention that was attached to the material world unlatches and returns to the inner self. His heart turns on and for some period of time he becomes a bit spiritual so to speak. Everyone is trying to get to the point of connection to inner self. People are doing different practices-techniques and attending retreats-detoxes in order to feel their inner self and turn off nagging thoughts. This spiritual world that people are trying to get into, sometimes happens accidentally when a person goes into a clinical death, for example, or something very dramatic happens in his life. Something crushes in his life and all of a sudden he perceives himself and the world from a different angle. As if he sobered up and became more conscious. What is interesting is that this stage of consciousness also has many levels. This spiritual frequency has subfrequences. Various frequencies of the spiritual world. This is also very interesting.

When I started working on it I turned on my heart and started living in attunement with it. All of a sudden I realized that it was closed. It is paradoxical that sometimes you can live your life only with attunement with your mind but