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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

the same thing. That they have Spirit. They will be working themselves up so that it will seem to them that they hear something and see some signs. And these people will be doing some crazy shit. They will not understand that the Holy Spirit can’t be a sinful person, that is number one. Number two – it can never guide a person to do something bad. You can’t do damage to yourself or someone else. Big Alexander said that there are families like Rothschilds or whatever who rule the world. They know all the secrets that I am getting to know now. If you Google and search about it you will find a lot of information that all these secret societies are bad. That they drink babies’ blood, have orgies and are only interested in money. Maybe I have to explain everything in my book, how things are in reality. Think about it. Those who are from God and have the Holy Spirit in them can’t do any bad and sinful deeds. Because when you do them, the Holy Spirit leaves and the heart shuts down. Do you understand? This is how nature works. This is a natural law. They can’t kill anyone or have greed or do orgies because it closes the heart and turns off the Holy Spirit.

So what kind of conclusion can we make out of it? Ok, we can imagine theoretically that there are some secret societies of bad people, sinful people in fact, who think they rule the world. Maybe there are these fake people who probably have a very bad way of life and are very greedy. But those who are real, the angels, we can call them that, or aliens from God, that have Spirit – they can’t do any of that. The Spirit of One who made this world is in them, you understand? That’s it. It is quite possible and actually, this is how things really are, that there is real and there is fake. And maybe there is some “Secret Brotherhood” of the initiated people. They are God’s helpers that control everything here on Earth. Actually He moves through them. They are humans but of the highest rank. You can call them angels, aliens or demigods. They always were. And in fact, they are not really organized in one society and they are not beating themselves on the chests and yelling how great and powerful they are. They will never do that. They are just people. Each of them has some position and assignment, like me being a writer. That’s it. And we don’t know each other. God just gives you power and conveys something natural and godly through you. This is what real Brotherhood is. These God’s “helpers”. And those people who dress in some costumes and do some dark rituals, as many conspirology sources write, are