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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:51 am
by Alexandr Korol
be like, “Have a drink, have a smoke”, and say, “Who is this writer? Look at him, he is nobody. A bad guy. A fishy dude”. So here they are doing it and he starts having doubts. They start plotting doubts in him, breaking his faith in me and pulling him back to the dark side. How does it work? If you were dark for a long time and all of a sudden start living with an open heart and start cleansing, the darkness comes back for you and dark people around you start being angry with you. They are doing everything possible to remind you that you are dark, that you are a bad person. They start positioning me as the evil. This is an interesting observation about the war between light and darkness.

Of course people can’t distinguish darkness from light. They don’t recognize which people are dark and which people are light. One of the main attributes of light people is that good people will never try to convince you that another person is bad. They will never run around you trying to prove it. Person of light would never do that. Only bad people are ready to cancel all their plans to tell you in many details something bad about a person who they are trying to badmouth. Only dark people do that. Light person will never do it. Dark people are trying to present it in a way that they are light and they are letting you know that another person is dark. But actually when a person is putting all his efforts to prove it, it is just a proof of darkness. Light people are always staying away from it. Because the energy of putting someone down, arguing for hours and giving nasty details is a very crude and destructive energy. Only people with a dark heart do that. Light people with a heart and soul may only tell you softy once, “Don’t spend much time with this guy, he might be a bad influence on you”. And then it is your choice. This is how light behaves. Please take note of that too.

I”ll say again about an interesting observation regarding “entering a portal”. When I am in the presence of the Spirit and I am walking down the street, I can see what people don’t see. I would choose the streets that regular people won’t ever take. Therefore when you are in the Spirit, something opens up for you that is not accessible for people. You are operating not on the vibrations of the humans which are low and limited, but you operate on the vibrations of the higher powers, “entities”, aliens, angels, whatever you call them. It is the same that animals exist on their own vibrations that are different from humans’ vibrations.