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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 9:11 am
by Alexandr Korol
Final Chapter

I have a lot more information. I had a lot of discoveries during August, when I was working on editing and drawings for this book to have it ready for the online release. I reached such a level that I feel and I know that I can’t even write and mention it here, in this book. That I stopped where I stopped. But the information keeps coming even today. Maybe it is for the next book. Maybe this information is for a small circle of people and maybe it is just for me. I can only give a hint of what kind of information opened for me recently. Just a hint, a riddle. To have a record that I knew back when this book was published.

I know now, actually the Spirit revealed to me why it is me. I didn’t understand before and many people, my readers were asking me, “Why you? Why is it you, Alex, from this city? Why at this time?” And I got the information why. This gives me a very strong faith. Because I remember before Big Alexander and Mystic-old man used to say sometimes, “Alex, there is a spare option, so you know”. That is, they were warning me a little that if I had an incorrect lifestyle or did something wrong, I would be replaced because there are spare options. And now based on the information that was revealed to me I know for sure that this is me. And there is no spare option. The point is it is me. This is the first thing I can’t talk about but I am giving you a hint.

The second thing that I was told, given new information by the higher power or whoever is up there.. How can I hint this to you.. There is a mummified body of Lenin in Moscow and I know why. I know why it was done. Why did Egyptians do it and what for. The information that is widely available, those theories of why it was done, are not correct. The reason is completely different. And I am aware of it now, maybe I will have to use this information later. Because it is only applicable to a very high level of a person. The mummification has no use if it is done on a regular person. This secret was revealed to me.

And the third secret.. They also all intersect. The third secret is about dreams. I was not taking dreams seriously before. Because dreams in the world of people are just the illusion and brain activity, that is not calm when they are asleep.