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Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:46 pm
by Alexandr Korol
2. Story about portals and masons

I was telling you how I was sitting in a cafe with my friends, Vlad and Nadezhda, who gave me the piece of paper with the inscriptions. And I decided that I couldn’t see any clients, so I told my friend, “I have to go.” And I ran straight home, and when I got there, I understood that “They” had given me the keys to paradise. I had such a strong reaction. But the truth was I didn’t know if these inscriptions were the keys to heaven or if they were a map of where to find them.

And by then, I already had a few employees. I had an assistant, plus a man who was my manager and a woman who was my driver, and I gathered them at home and spoke to them:

– Guys, I’ve already told you that I’m strange. Well, today, an old lady handed me this sheet of paper with inscriptions that had definitely been sent by “Them.” It must be deciphered. These are the keys to paradise.

We’d been deciphering all night. While we were deciphering, we noticed that from the first letters of the five words, we could make the word “c**t,” Which means female genitalia in slang. Are they referring to a particular woman? Maybe they spoke that word in a sacred language where it is seen in a different light? Maybe it’s some kind of grail we need to find. It was unclear. Also, we understood that the figures shown are the number pi. But it’s the wrong pi. Why is it wrong? What are these numbers for? Why are the five at the bottom underlined? It was all so unclear. Also, we understood that a geographical location was mentioned. And something was written in Latin, but nothing came up in the Google search, apart from something about mules! But maybe this is relevant, and maybe it’s not.

We tried to figure it out as best we could, each from our own angle. I did not trust the search engines, but since there were guys in my team who rely heavily on the internet, it wasn’t long before they began to poke articles in my face. How about this number! What about this Latin translation! But I’m a skeptic, and I can’t blindly agree to this? Yeah, there are some similarities, but I’m not convinced?