Page 14

Alexandr Korol
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Page 14

Post by Alexandr Korol »

I was young. I experienced an encounter with the UFO but later thought of it as a dream. Lately, I realized that it was not a dream for a few reasons. I rarely see dreams, first of all. Second, no one can remember a dream for twenty-five years. It can’t be a dream. I visited a place where it happened, and I understood that it was real. It felt like a dream, though.
Another vision I repeatedly had for at least twenty times. I saw that dream in multiple versions, but the point was always the same. Imagine if you put a broom between your legs as a stick horse and pretend to ride it. I felt I was running and lifting a couple of feet off the ground. I felt that I was moving my legs so fast that I was not touching the ground. As if there are invisible steps, I am climbing them and not touching the ground. I had this dream vision every year throughout my entire life. It is very vivid and physical. I rarely see any dreams, but I see this one once a year. And you know what? I tried doing it recently for the first time in my life and felt like a loon. I never tried it before and just did it a few days ago. I tried it, and it didn’t work. I felt like you feel when you get big-headed and quickly realize how silly it is. It was interesting to experiment. Nothing happened. A dream stayed a dream. There is a mystery in this whole thing, and I hope to decipher this riddle soon.

I was astonished when I realized that the Spirit was always in me. It is not like He showed up in 2006 or 2008. It was always present, but sometimes I didn’t feel it. I used to think it came and went because there were times when I felt it and times when I did not. Actually, it turned on and off at particular moments of time, but it was always with me.
Another recent discovery is that I had three entities. The Spirit told me not to talk about it yet, but I will briefly explain. I have three entities. One of them is always by itself, and I don’t do anything specific about it. It is inherent for people to control everything with the mind, but for me, it is natural not to control it. One of the entities was always by itself, and I was trying to understand the cause and consequences of it. When something interferes with us from the outside, we must resist it. When nature drives you, you surrender. The point is that this force orchestrated the circumstances when I was shut down and when I was open and in the Spirit since my childhood. I recalled all the moments when Spirit was present in me, particularly a time when I made a YouTube video on myself on the whiteboard. It was 2010, and the Spirit was in me, but it was a different Spirit. It was a fascinating acknowledgment, and here is what I realized.