Page 35

Alexandr Korol
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Page 35

Post by Alexandr Korol »

This observation is related to light. Imagine three people in the house, each preferring a particular lighting arrangement. There are multiple light sources all around the place, and depending on which fixtures are on, one can create a specific light ambiance. A person of the mind turns lights on in his own way, and a person of the heart prefers different kinds of lighting. Depending on your mood, you will turn on some lighting fixtures and turn off others. These are dimensions as well. Observe yourself, your actions, and your preferences, and you will learn which angle of the soul you are in now. We perceive the world from a certain point of view. Your perception of the world depends on the point you stand.
I understand that I am the Trinity now. I traveled all three worlds – the mind, the heart, and the Spirit. First was the world of the mind, and I passed the entire material pathway. Then, I journeyed to the frequency of the heart and passed the spiritual world. The latest was the path of the Spirit. Each world has a hierarchy, and I passed all levels in all worlds. When I was passing the hierarchy of angels, I went from the lowest level all the way to the top and reached the level of the Trinity. I understand now why people sometimes depict God as a Trinity and sometimes as one God. I passed all stages of the development in the world of the Spirit and reached the level of the triangle. The next and last level is the dot, which is when the matrix folds completely into a singular point. The singular dot is the highest level of human evolution. A person evolves materially and spiritually, which are, respectively, the mind and the heart, and then he moves to the hierarchy of angels and passes all levels of becoming God. When you pass all levels, you become God.

People have all kinds of conspiracy theories about secret societies that rule the world. I mentioned in my book that the yellow press spread rumors and articles that they were sects and cults. Based on my personal experience, I know for sure it is not valid. They can’t do evil things if they are from God, who rules the world through them. Ordinary mortal people make up stories about secret governments assigning all kinds of sins to them. But when the Spirit enters a person, he can’t do any dark deeds. The Spirit connects only with a person with a light and open heart.
Another theory is that now is the era of the dark side of the matrix. Maybe we are going through a time of darkness, which is also a part of the natural cycle.